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An illistration of hands being held out palms up, as if ready to recieve something


Prayer is an essential part of our lives as Christians, it should underpin everything we do as individuals and as a Church

Communication is fundamental to all good relationships, that includes our relationship with God, it involves both speaking and listening.

You can join with us at St. Ed’s in small groups, during Sunday worship, or come along to our Monthly Prayer and Praise meeting.
Image of lots of balls of wool, all in differnent colours, bunched together in a pile, with two crochet hooks layed out on top, the crochet sticks are crossing over each other
Prayer Shawl
Image of the side chapel, looking towards the curtained exit, with rows of chairs set out in the room inside St. Ed's building

If you would like someone to pray with you then please approach one of the Service leaders or a member of our prayer team after the service.

Image of Turner Hall from across the road
Prayer and
praise meeting

Join us for a time of contemporary worship followed by prayer in small groups involving times of silence to listen for what God is saying to us rather than just telling him what we want.


Prayer Ministry is also available for those who would like to be prayed with.


3rd Tuesday of the month
Turner Hall
The Lounge
Via the
carpark entrance
An illistration of hands being held out palms up, as if ready to recieve something

The St. Ed's
Prayer Team

A picture of Rev Andrew Porter the vicar of St. Ed's

Prayer Team Coordinator

Rev Andrew Porter

A picture of Rev Cathy Porter

Prayer Team

Rev Cathy Porter

A picture of Kate Colclough one of St. Ed's lay ministers

Prayer Team

Kate Colclough

A picture of Kate Miller one of St. Ed's church wardens

Prayer Team

Kate Miller

A picture of Andrew Shaw one of St. Ed's lay ministers

Prayer Team

Andrew Shaw

An illistration of hands being held out palms up, as if ready to recieve something

More prayer resources can be found below

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