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An illistration of a cross comming up out of water, surrounded by rays of light, inside two circles


“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”

Matthew 29:19
Image of someone being dunked under the water by two people, during their full emersion baptism
at St. Ed's

At St. Ed’s we offer both infant Baptism and also the opportunity for full immersion Baptism for those who are able to make the profession of faith for themselves


Parents bringing their children for Baptism attend a short preparation course


We do not set an age limit for full immersion, and refer to this as Believers' Baptism rather than Adult Baptism, but work with candidates as to whether they are ready to make this very public commitment to follow Jesus

Image looking down the aisle inside St. Ed's building towards the font, a stone font, with a wooden lid carved with a bird on top
in baptism?

For further information join us for worship one Sunday at St. Ed’s and speak to the vicar after the service


Alternatively, you can contact our administrator by email,


or by phone, on: 01623 629665

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